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projets:ocs:20152016:gr2 [2016/02/15 11:35]
merai [YesUCane]
projets:ocs:20152016:gr2 [2016/02/21 22:03] (Version actuelle)
merai [Specifications and interface of the service on the object]
Ligne 28: Ligne 28:
 {{ :​projets:​ocs:​20152016:​12721667_916639541764810_798337776_n.jpg?​300 |}} {{ :​projets:​ocs:​20152016:​12721667_916639541764810_798337776_n.jpg?​300 |}}
 +== Demos ==  
 +4.1 : (Equipment) https://​youtu.be/​ylnWNYM8C0k 
 +4.2 : (Hardware behavior) https://​youtu.be/​9gZ7Z2A6hno 
 +4.3 : (DeviceSpy and UPnP) https://​youtu.be/​RFmAQ6zFHxE 
 +4.4 : (Remote software) https://​youtu.be/​zXI8n3RzMiU 
 ==== Hardware specifications : ==== ==== Hardware specifications : ====
-== Hardware List : == +== Quotes and purchases == 
-|sensor or actuator | links to datasheet or technical document|+ 
 +|Name | Platform |  French Seller link | Reference id| unit price TTC | Quantity | total price TTC | 
 +|Capteur de force linéaire| |www.goo.gl/​7qrru3 |FSR03|14,​20 € |1 |14,20 € | 
 +|Smartphone Samsung Galaxy S4 mini| | |In Sotck| |1 | | 
 +|Rasberry Pi2 B 1 GB| | |In Stock| | | | 
 +|Batterie Externe| |www.goo.gl/​52nxS3| |17,99 €|1 |17,99 € | 
 +|Boutton poussoirs| |www.goo.gl/​RpvZPQ|KRS1243|0.45€|6 |2,7€ | 
 +|Bouton switch| |www.goo.gl/​xSwhZ3|101020004|3,​48 €|1 |3,48 € | 
 +|LED RGB|Grove - Raspberry Pi|www.goo.gl/​vQ5rOa|104030006|4,​68 €|1 |4,68 € | 
 +|Vibreur|Grove - Raspberry Pi|www.goo.gl/​6L3YTk|105020003|3,​48 €|1 |3,48 € | 
 +|Total Price| | | | | |46,​53€| 
 +== Used Hardware List : == 
 +|Sensor and actuator |  |
 |Capteur de force linéaire |www.gotronic.fr/​pj-492.pdf | |Capteur de force linéaire |www.gotronic.fr/​pj-492.pdf |
-|6xBoutons ​poussoirs|www.goo.gl/​RpvZPQ|+|4xBoutons ​poussoirs|www.goo.gl/​RpvZPQ|
 |Bouton switch|www.goo.gl/​WRwV9n| |Bouton switch|www.goo.gl/​WRwV9n|
 |LED RGB|www.goo.gl/​564g6r| |LED RGB|www.goo.gl/​564g6r|
 |Vibreur|www.goo.gl/​aZEit5| |Vibreur|www.goo.gl/​aZEit5|
 +==== Specifications and interface of the service on the object ​ ====
 +The YesUCane allows users to use different services they chose via different interfaces: ​
-== quotes and purchases ==+- A pressure sensor on the handle that allows to know if the cane is being used or not. 
-|title | seller link |  french reseller link | french reseller reference id| unit price TTC | Quantity | total price TTC | +- Configurable buttons to select the service to use.  ​
-|Capteur de force linéaire|www.goo.gl/​pXgJpX|www.goo.gl/​7qrru3 |FSR03|14,​20 € |1 |14,20 € | +
-|Smartphone HTC|-|-|-|-|1 |- | +
-|Rasberry Pi2 B 1 GB|www.gotronic.fr|www.gotronic.fr|33590|49,​90 €|1 |49,90 €  +
-|Batterie Externe|www.goo.gl/​52nxS3|www.goo.gl/​52nxS3|-|17,​99 €|1 |17,99 € | +
-|Boutton poussoirs|www.goo.gl/​RpvZPQ|www.goo.gl/​RpvZPQ|KRS1243|0.45€|6 |2,7€ | +
-|Bouton switch|www.goo.gl/​xSwhZ3|www.goo.gl/​xSwhZ3|101020004|3,​48 €|1 |3,48 € | +
-|LED RGB|www.goo.gl/​8mvwjY|www.goo.gl/​vQ5rOa|104030006|4,​68 €|1 |4,68 € | +
-|Vibreur|www.goo.gl/​6L3YTk|www.goo.gl/​6L3YTk|105020003|3,​48 €|1 |3,48 € | +
-|Total Price|96,​43€|+
- +- A vibrator to know when a response has arrived
-==== Specifications and interface of the service on the object ​ ==== +  ​ 
-The YesUCane allows users to use different services they chose via different interfaces:​ +- An RGB LED to know the status of the service.  ​
-- A pressure sensor on the handle that allows to know if the cane is being used or not +
-- Configurable buttons to select the service to use +
-- A vibrator to know when a response has arrived +
-- An RGB LED to know the status of the service+
 ==== Specifications of the interface of high added value service ==== ==== Specifications of the interface of high added value service ====
 Note : (including a figure on the orchestration between services on objects and information systems) Note : (including a figure on the orchestration between services on objects and information systems)
-The cane is wired to a HTC S8 device via which it uses the GPS and Wifi connection to send information ​to a distant server where it stores all the data and uses different web services+{{ :​projets:​ocs:​20152016:​arch.png?​300|}} 
-The exemple of services we are going to use on the YesUcane are : + 
-- APIs of applications such as Uber where the user will be able to call for a Uber drive via the button he specified on the configuration , his geolocalisation ​will be detected and sent and receive a response ​that will be announced via vibrations on the handle. +The cane is connected directly ​to a distant server where the data and buttons'​ configuration are stored
-- APIs of social networks such as Facebook or twitter where the user will chose a predefined status or tweet that will be sent in case of emergency ​+The services ​that we are going to use on the YesUcane are : 
 +- APIs of applications such as Uber where the user will be able to call for a Uber drive via the button he specified on the configuration,​ his localisation ​will be detected and sent. A response ​to his request ​will be announced via vibrations on the handle. 
 +- APIs of social networks such as Facebook or twitter where the user will chose a predefined status or tweet that will be sent in case of emergency
 +- SMS services of the user’s phone to send a predefined message to one favorite number. 
 - Webservices of connected objects in the user’s house. ​ - Webservices of connected objects in the user’s house. ​
-- SMS services of the user’s phone to send a predefined message to one or two favorite numbers.+
 ==== Project Files: ==== ==== Project Files: ====
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 {{ :​projets:​ocs:​20152016:​12722486_916627275099370_7682121_o.jpg?​600 |}} {{ :​projets:​ocs:​20152016:​12722486_916627275099370_7682121_o.jpg?​600 |}}
 == . wcc of Our UPnP Device ==  == . wcc of Our UPnP Device == 
Ligne 81: Ligne 100:
 {{ :​projets:​ocs:​20152016:​12714457_916626985099399_633369859_n.jpg?​600 |}} {{ :​projets:​ocs:​20152016:​12714457_916626985099399_633369859_n.jpg?​600 |}}
 ==  Beans added in our project ** (DLL and Source code for each of them) == ==  Beans added in our project ** (DLL and Source code for each of them) ==
projets/ocs/20152016/gr2.1455532501.txt.gz · Dernière modification: 2016/02/15 11:35 par merai