====== Projets Objets Connectés et Services (OCS) ====== ==Template de page de Projet :== [[projets:oc:template_rendu| Template de Page DokuWiki de Rendu de projet (in english) ]] ==Quelques consignes :== - Warning : everything must be written in english .... - Warning : every added file (ex. figures, picture, sources, binaries, video ...) must be added through a web links on a Web repository. You can use such a syntax to integrate the link in this page : [[http://example.com|Lien externe]] - For more informations on DokuWiki syntax go to [[https://www.tigli.fr/doku.php?id=wiki:syntax|syntax dokuwiki]] ==Paper ACM Format :== [[http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/pubform.doc|Word ACM Format]]