Few reminders about WCF ABC Model

The ABC of Windows Communication Foundation

“ABC” is the WCF mantra. “ABC” is the key to understanding how a WCF service endpoint is composed. Think Ernie, Bert, Cookie Monster or Big Bird. Remember “ABC”.

Web services zealots who read Web Service Description Language (WSDL) descriptions at the breakfast table will easily recognize these three concepts as the three levels of abstraction expressed in WSDL. So if you live in a world full of angle brackets, you can look at it this way:

“ABC” means that writing (and configuring) a WCF service is always a three-step process:

Tutorial on Address in ABC

Creation of various endpoints in configuration

Endpoints provide clients with access to the functionality a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service offers. You can define one or more endpoints for a service by using a combination of relative and absolute endpoint addresses, or if you do not define any service endpoints, the runtime provides some by default for you. This topic shows how to add endpoints using a configuration file that contain both relative and absolute addresses.

Use the Configuration Editor Tool in Visual Studio(or SvcConfigEditor.exe)to edit the configuration file