Digital Systems for Humans - Technological Challenges in IoT (DS4H-IoT)

Pedagogical Approach for this course is learning-by-doing and then conceptualizing .

After a brief introduction, the first step of this course is practicing with use cases and exercices on a specific IoT Infrastructure called YoIoT. The second step is generalising some concepts towards an abstract representation to reason on other cases.

Short Introduction to IoT infrastructure

IoT Infrastructure Principes

Example of commercial solution using IoT infrastructure : HDSN (see Demonstrator)

Your own IoT Infrastructure (YoIoT) (See demonstration)

In order to provide a complete IoT/Edge/Cloud infrastructure for the practical part of this course we chose various free integrated solutions in the smart home application domain. Then the overall architecture consists in:

Support de présentation des principaux éléments des infrastructures IoT - Introduction

YoIoT: Your own IoT Infrastructure for Tutorials

YoIoT is a technological example of an IoT infrastructure with only free software products !

Some materials about YoIoT deployment and manipulation can be find in IoT4SME like iot4smes_iot_demonstrator_uns_v1.3.pdf.

How to install YoIoT

See guideline here

Comment : Home I/O installation is optional. It depends on your computer skills …

From IoT Devices to Edge in YoIoT

From(IoT Level) to RaspberryPi/PC (Edge Level) thanks to MQTT communication protocol

Required Knowledge:
Manipulations with Real Smart Home Devices connected through a gateway RaspberryPi with OpenHab

Correction :

Corrections Zip file

[{"id":"7e96c990.582bf8","type":"mqtt in","z":"2ce2a219.894e3e","name":"","topic":"openhab/#","qos":"2","broker":"aa872460.7dff18","x":120,"y":160,"wires":[["e6cd4834.c78e68"]]},{"id":"e6cd4834.c78e68","type":"debug","z":"2ce2a219.894e3e","name":"","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"false","x":390,"y":160,"wires":[]},{"id":"420c7771.ed7e08","type":"mqtt out","z":"2ce2a219.894e3e","name":"","topic":"openhab/zwave_device_1b2be295_node4_switch_binary/commandssub","qos":"","retain":"","broker":"aa872460.7dff18","x":1000,"y":160,"wires":[]},{"id":"2bfce164.02ee0e","type":"inject","z":"2ce2a219.894e3e","name":"Prise ON","topic":"","payload":"ON","payloadType":"str","repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"x":620,"y":140,"wires":[["420c7771.ed7e08"]]},{"id":"1165f273.5a523e","type":"inject","z":"2ce2a219.894e3e","name":"Prise OFF","topic":"","payload":"OFF","payloadType":"str","repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"x":620,"y":180,"wires":[["420c7771.ed7e08"]]},{"id":"aa872460.7dff18","type":"mqtt-broker","z":"","name":"","broker":"","port":"1883","clientid":"","usetls":false,"compatmode":true,"keepalive":"60","cleansession":true,"birthTopic":"","birthQos":"0","birthPayload":"","closeTopic":"","closePayload":"","willTopic":"","willQos":"0","willPayload":""}]

From Edge to Cloud in YoIoT

RaspberryPi/PC (Edge Level) to ThingSpeak (Cloud Level) thanks to Web Service - HTTP communication protocol

Required Knowledge:
Tutorial : How to use Node-Red to access to Web Services ?

exercice 1 : send some values to a ThingSpeak Channel with Node-Red and visualize the result on the Web exercice 2 : get some information (like a temperature in a given city) from one Web service like OpenWeatherMap and see the result with Node-Red debug. exercice 3 : after giving a

A completet Application in YoIoT

Required Knowledge:

Nothing more …


First design and developp an application with these functionalities :

Technical specifications:

Question : Imagine you can get 100.000 measures like that in a Smart City. Do you have some applications in mind?

Optional Project

This project aims to use a IoT devices simulator in a Smart Home Context. To use it, you need Home I/O installation (the simulator) and to prepare a software configuration(see installation section above) to be able to access to the simulator with MQTT protocol.

After that you can collect some data from virtual sensors in the simulator, send some commands to various actuators like lights, windows etc., move accross the virtual smart home scene and interact with virtual devices.

For the most advanced student, feel free to imagine interesting applications and developp your own project in Smart Home.


(Corrections Page)

Back to IoT infrastructure concepts

Main concepts

Main commercial platforms

Main Companies and their solutions: 10 of the famous platforms available today

Price and Cost Model of IoT infrastructures

Use Cases Analysis

Find here different use cases.

What kind of topics should be studied for a company?

Evaluation of the Course

Please fill this form before living:

Course Evaluation Form