Docker Windows Installation

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Package : Docker for Windows

Test :


Docker Commands : Docker Command Line

Node-Red Docker Installation in a first Container

Node-Red on Docker

docker run -it -p 1880:1880 –name mynodered nodered/node-red-docker

This command will download the nodered/node-red-docker container from DockerHub and run an instance of it with the name of mynodered and with port 1880 exposed

Test :

Container Manipulations

Tools to Manage easly Docker Containers : Kinematic

Mosquitto Installation in a second container

Various MQTT Broker are available like Mosquitto, RabbitMQ, EMQ, VerneMQ

See : Setting up a MQTT broker (Eclypse Mosquitto) using Docker

docker run --name mqtt --restart=always --net=host -tid -v /volume1/docker/mqtt/config:/mqtt/config:ro -v /volume1/docker/mqtt/log:/mqtt/log -v /volume1/docker/mqtt/data/:/mqtt/data/ toke/mosquitto
Caveats : Docker Containers Mosquitto Configuration

Containers Network configuration for docker and its containers

They in bridge mode and disconnect to host network in the following steps.

The result is described in the figure bellow.

Caveats : Docker Containers Network Configuration

Test with a GUI Clients

JavaFX based MQTT Client

The GUI client is running on the native computer, so the access to the mosquitto broker is done through localhost:2500 in this case (see above).

Test Shell MQTT Clients

docker run -it ubuntu bash

If the clients are running on the native computer, the access to the mosquitto broker is done through localhost:2500 in this case (see above).

Test with Node-Red in a Docker Container

Because Node-Red is running in a Docker container, the MQTT client nodes can access to the mosquitto broker through (the gateway address) in our case.


Network Management in Docker

understanding docker networking drivers use cases Network in Docker

