Event based Communication and Event driven Architecture with web services

The solution of the first part of this tutorial is provided below.

Add the solution(s) of the second part of this tutorial on your Github repository !

Introduction : Why Event driven Architecture ?

Classical Request–response, or request–reply, is one of the basic methods computers use to communicate with each other, in which the first computer sends a request for some data and the second computer responds to the request.

Using request/response communication, client must implement active loop to read periodically a data to refresh its value locally and detect changes.

A typical domain with such a problem is Internet of Things like for example sensors networks. In fact it's easy to understand that for N sensors, the client must send N requests periodically to test if one sensor measure changed since last requests !

Event-driven architecture (EDA), is a software architecture pattern promoting the production, detection, consumption of, and reaction to events.

An event can be defined as “a significant change in state”.

Some Middleware like MQTT are specificaly design to implement such event driven architectures.

PART 1 : Your first step by step eventing communications between Web service and Client

Events Introduction

Events allow the client or clients to be notified about something that has occurred on the service side. An event may result from a direct client call, or it may be the result of something the service monitors. The service firing the event is called the publisher, and the client receiving the event is called the subscriber.

Events in WCF

While events in WCF are nothing more than call back operations, however by their very nature, events usually imply a looser relationship between the publisher and the subscriber than a typical relationship between a client and a service. The Service firing the event is called the publisher, and the client receiving the event is called the subscriber. service typically publishes the same event to multiple subscribing clients. The publisher often does not care about the order of invocation of the subscribers, or any errors, all the publisher knows is that it should deliver the event to the subscribers. Since service does not care about the returned results from the subscribers.

Consequently, event handling operations:

Here we divide the exercice in three parts.

On the server side :

On the client side :

Be administrator to test your solution and projects

Create WCF Service Library (EventsLib.dll)

To create this project, you can simply take a “Class Library” project, while choosing from project wizard option. Let's name it “EventsLib”, it is the actual service which implements the business logic. The project already contains a file Class1.cs, let us do some house keeping, before we write any code for the service library.

Defining Interface ICalcServiceEvents (ICalcServiceEvents.cs)

Now Let's define interface for the events published by the service.

Interface simply publishes 2 methods which are basically events for the subscriber. Note that every method in this interface has been:

The first method Calculated is an event for the subscriber, it is fired, when calculation is done, it also passes the result to the subscribers. along with the operands and operation type.

The second method CalculationFinished is the event, it is fired when the Calculation is finished.

The source code may be this:

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.ServiceModel;
namespace EventsLib
    public interface ICalcServiceEvents
        void Calculated(int nOp, double dblNum1, double dblNum2, double dblResult);
        void CalculationFinished();

Defining Interface ICalcService (ICalcService.cs)

Interface simple defines 3 methods.

void Calculate(int nOp, double dblNum1, double dblNum2);

that is the method, that is related to business logic that does the actual job.

void SubscribeCalculatedEvent () ;

void SubscribeCalculationFinishedEvent ();

that are helper methods that are called by the client to subscribe an event published by the service. As you have 2 events, so you have one method for each event.

Code may be like that :

//  Listing of ICalcService.cs
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.ServiceModel;
namespace EventsLib
    [ServiceContract(CallbackContract = typeof(ICalcServiceEvents))]
    public interface ICalcService
        void Calculate(int nOp, double dblNum1, double dblNum2);
        void SubscribeCalculatedEvent();
        void SubscribeCalculationFinishedEvent();

Implementing ICalcService interface (CalcService.cs)

Comments :

static Action<int, double, double, double> m_Event1 = delegate { };//

static Action m_Event2 = delegate { };
public void SubscribeCalculatedEvent()
    ICalcServiceEvents subscriber = 
    m_Event1 += subscriber.Calculated;

public void SubscribeCalculationFinishedEvent()
    ICalcServiceEvents subscriber=OperationContext.Current.GetCallbackChannel<ICalcServiceEvents>();
    m_Event2 += subscriber.CalculationFinished ; 

Method public void Calculate(int nOp, double dblX, double dblY) is as follows:

public void Calculate(int nOp, double dblX, double dblY)
            double dblResult = 0;
            switch (nOp)
                case 0: dblResult = dblX + dblY; break;
                case 1: dblResult = dblX - dblY; break;
                case 2: dblResult = dblX * dblY; break;
                case 3: dblResult = (dblY == 0) ? 0 : dblX / dblY; break;
            m_Event1(nOp, dblX, dblY, dblResult);

implements the business logic of the service, and calls the callback methods implemented at the client side, using delegates, in short, fires events.

Your code may be like that :

 //  Listing of CalcService.cs

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.ServiceModel;
namespace EventsLib
    public  class CalcService : ICalcService
       static Action<int, double, double, double> m_Event1 = delegate { }; 
       static Action m_Event2 = delegate { };
       public void SubscribeCalculatedEvent()
           ICalcServiceEvents subscriber = 
           m_Event1 += subscriber.Calculated;
        public void SubscribeCalculationFinishedEvent()
            ICalcServiceEvents subscriber = 
            m_Event2 += subscriber.CalculationFinished ;
        public void Calculate(int nOp, double dblX, double dblY)
            double dblResult = 0;
            switch (nOp)
                case 0: dblResult = dblX + dblY; break;
                case 1: dblResult = dblX - dblY; break;
                case 2: dblResult = dblX * dblY; break;
                case 3: dblResult = (dblY == 0) ? 0 : dblX / dblY; break;
            m_Event1(nOp, dblX, dblY, dblResult);

Compile the class library, and the first part is complete.

put the dll of the first project in the bin directory of the self-hosted service project, in the case of lack.

Host Application (EventsLibHost.exe)

Defining Configuration for CalcService

The Host application will expose the following endpoints for the service :

Application configuration files define 1 endpoint with WSDualHttpBinding at port 9011 and respective mex end point. WSDualHttpBinding is similar to the WSHttpBinding, but provides more web service features.

Defining Behavior(s) for Services

Each service behavior defines two attributes:

Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to publish service metadata for retrieval using an HTTP/GET request, true means yes, metadata is available for retrieval using a HTTP/GET request.

Set IncludeExceptionDetailsInFaults to true to enable clients to obtain information about internal service method exceptions; it is only recommended as a way of temporarily debugging a service application. This property must be set to false on production servers. Once the configuration is in place.

Create the self-hosted service

(see appendice for example)

The ServiceHost class provides a host for services.

Exercice : Create the host object and open it, and wait endlessly, untill a key is pressed. when you press a key, host is closed. Main object and methods are then :

Create the Client Application

Exercice :

CalcServiceCallbackSink objsink = new CalcServiceCallbackSink ();

InstanceContext iCntxt = new InstanceContext(objsink);

CalcServiceReference.CalcServiceClient objClient = new CalcServiceReference.CalcServiceClient(iCntxt);

objClient.SubscribeCalculatedEvent ();

objClient.SubscribeCalculationFinishedEvent ();

double dblNum1 = 1000, dblNum2 = 2000 ;

objClient.Calculate (0, dblNum1, dblNum2);

dblNum1 = 2000; dblNum2 = 4000;

objClient.Calculate(1, dblNum1, dblNum2);

dblNum1 = 2000; dblNum2 = 4000;

objClient.Calculate(2, dblNum1, dblNum2);

dblNum1 = 2000; dblNum2 = 400;

objClient.Calculate(3, dblNum1, dblNum2);


Here, is the solution of the first part


Appendices for FAQ

What is the One-way operation mode


How to create a Self-Hosted Web Service


What are Out/Ref parameters


Action<T> Delegate


PART 2 : Advanced use of Eventing

Thanks to the previous example, create a central WS that accept data modification from “Publishers” clients and send event on these modifications to “subscribers” clients. Test it with a simple shared data like a count value, with one pupblisher and various subscribers.