Smart Objects and Services

Project Presentation

Name :


Group Composition :

Scenario :

Analyse_pH_Express targets all cautious parents who wish to integrate a quick easy medical checkup into a daily ordinary activity. The object, being a children’s potty chair for urinating. However it is no ordinary object! The Analyse_pH_Express monitors your children’s urine’s pH level and offer a medical opinion by comparing it to the expected ordinary healthy level.

Let’s imagine an example of what could happen: parent takes the child to the toilets and the child urinates in the object. Then, the parent empties the object in the adult WC and cleans it with soapy water like any other potty.

The pH is measured instantly and sent to the medical service which output the following: Date/Time/pH/Result. The result could either be OK if the measured value is considered healthy and could also be NOT OK if an abnormal pH was detected. This could offer also a daily review of the daily/weekly use of WC.

This healthy value highly depends on the time of the day. For example:

Object Shape :

Name of the contact at Reims :


Sketch of the Object from Reims :

NONE - Object was not delivered since we are in Egypt. However, we offered him a Description of Work which contains all required details (in French)

We also sent him a sketch done on SketchUp

Demonstration Video :

Hardware specifications:


Specifications and interface of the service on the object

A pH sensor located beneath the toilet potty chair is connected to a pH/ORP adapter which returns a numerical value of the pH when it varies. The system takes this measure and processes it through an equation to get an understandable measure of pH (on a scale of 0-14). Afterwards, these measures are sent through the UPnP network and saved on the device.

Specifications of the interface of high added value service

The high added value service consists of a medical service that receives the pH data sent from our object. The service compares the measured pH with the standard healthy pH value according to the current time. Finally, the service logs this data with the current date/time, pH measured value and the analysis result.

Project Files:

. wcc of the two containers (embedded and on the remote PC) :
Beans added for the embedded container (for the service on the object) ** (DLL and Source code for each of them)
Beans added for the remote PC container (for the high added value service on the PC) ** (DLL and Source code for each of them)
Chesklist to install the embedded service on the object
Chesklist to install the remote service/application on the PC

Results of the relations with Reims (being factual without personal opinion)

We can't really offer any positive/negative feedback since we were in another country (in Egypt). The only interaction we had was when we were asked to deliver a Description of Work. Then we got a positive feedback from him indicating that the document contains all required information and the object could be manufactured without any problems.

Prospects :

Possible extensions of the object
Possible extension of the service on the Object
Possible extension of the high added value Service
Possible GUI for data visualization