Projets Objets Connectés et Services (OCS)


Group 9

About the Project


We are a group of 3 students from Polytech Nice Sophia in Connected Object technology program to realise this project.

Scenario of the Project

Bob loves his flowers, he has a lot of them in flower pots. But Bob sometimes has trouble to memorise which are the needs for each of his flowers. That's why we created FlowerPot. Thanks to this marvelous invention Bob will receive alerts when his favorites plants are getting thirsty, too warm or don't have enough light.

If Bob forgets to check his mail or the device on which he would like to receive its alert, a light will shine to prevent him directly on the pot. When Bob is going on holidays the plant will be able to drink by itself thanks to a pump inserted inside the pot.

Moreover when bob is buying a new plant he just has to report his plant's reference (RFID) on the FlowerPot application and everything will be setted automatically.

Connected Object Description

Sketch of the object

First drafts (11/14) : Proto 1 Proto 2
Here we start thinking about the object. We are still changing our mind about the design and looking for new shapes. We also choose the features of our connected object and study the feasibility of our ideas.

The designers concept (12/14) : - PDF
The designers have brought interesting ideas and a beautiful object. Unfortunately, the crafting team won't be able to craft the object suggested by the designers, but we try to keep their ideas for our final prototype.

Technical details (01/15) :
For the moment, we have put a high priority on the object internal organization, in despite of its look. The most important point is to establish the architecture between the Phidget card and the sensors, taking in account the sensors position and the wires. We have to be understood by the crafting team, that's why we work with very light schemas.

3D - CAD description of the object

Here is the 3D file of the object that we receive from Charleville-Mézières

Real image of the object

Here is the prototype received from Charleville-Mézières.

Hardware Specifications and Distribution of the connected Object

Hardware specifications

This card will connect all the hardware

This card will be used to connect with the service

A sensor to get the humidity rate inside the pot

A sensor to retrieve the temperature inside the pot

A sensor placed outside of the pot to detect the light

A pump to water the plants from the tank

The leds will show to the user how the plant is feeling

Array of the purchases
Type reseller Reference Quantity unit price link on the Web page of the product Total price
Phidgets SBC 1073GoTronic254451143.5
Wi-Fi USB Adapter 3703_2 for SBC1073GoTronic25435134.9
Capteur de rayons “UVA / UVB”LextronicSEN-12705111.64
Capteur d'humidité Grove SEN92355PGoTronic3129014.9 4.9
Pompe miniature pour eau PE3201GoTronic13643114.50
Sonde “Me Température Sensor”LextroniclextronicMAK1101426.7
Jeu de 4 cordons MakeblockLextronicMAK1420211.86
Module “Me RJ25 Adapter”LextronicMAK1380012.88
8mm Green LED L793GDGoTronic304360.25
8mm Red LED L793GDGoTronic304060.25
Excel File of the purchases

Software Specifications and Distribution of the connected Object

Software Specifications of the connected Object

Web Service for Device Specifications

The connected object has four evented state variables corresponding to the four sensors. The object also have four exposed method allowing the control of the leds and activate the pump.

Application Protocol over Bluetooth link of the object

The object doesn't have any bluetooth interface yet. But it should be implemented in the version 2.0. This feature would provide a way to simply connect to the card and be able to setup the home-wifi or send direct alerts to the user with bluetooth connection.

Software Distribution of the connected Object

To implememnt the flower pot device, you will need the dll for the temperature sensor convertor.

If you only want to run the program on the device

Software Specifications and Distribution of the high level service for the user

Software Specifications of the High Level Service for the user

The project is composed of two UPnP devices. The FlowerPot device explained above and the interface exposed as a UPnp device.

To link these two devices, we created an orchestrator which connect the two beans as you can see in the shot bellow.

We are currently using the plant database as a webservice. It allows the UIDevice to know the needs of a plant. For the 2.0 version of the flower pot we will exctract this webservice from the interface device to put it with the orchestrator. This will separate the intelligence from the interface. With this new version we will create a bean “intelligence” which will connect the different devices of the project (as you can see bellow). This will make the project more generic and allow easier improvment.

In the new version we will add more services. We will be able to compose with the plant-database and the new service to increase the efficiency of the device. We could have for example a Weather Web Service to prevent too much water in the pot if it's located outside (see the example bellow, it is a MOC to show you how we would have done it). In this example the FlowerPotUIDevice will ask the new plant to the PlantDBService. The database service will send the values for the new plant to the IntelligenceBean. It will receive as well the values from the FlowerPotDevice. After processing these values it will send to the FlowerPotUIDevice and to the FlowerPotDevice the data/alerts appropriate. The IntelligenceBean will be able to receive information from new webServices, in this example it's a weather service which will send alert in case of rain forecast. When the IntelligenceBean will receive this alert it will cancel the pump until the weather come back sunny.

Software Distribution of the High Level Service for the user

Here is the list of all the files you will need to recreate the project.


Here are few pictures of the first prototype received with the card and the sensors. It won't be possible to test it properly (water and dirt) but it gives an idea for the location of the hardwar devices. There is a screen of the UIDevice as well.

As we can see in the example, the luminosity is not enough for the plant (here let's imagine a Rose) so the led is shining in red to prevent the user.