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Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !

Abstract Keynote ACM Mobile Sofia-Antipolis, September 3, 2009

Title: Personal Networks and Federations: Creating new capabilities for people through personal mobile distributed environments

According to recent predictions of the Wireless World Research Forum, in 2017, every person on earth will, on the average, own 1000 digital devices equipped with wireless interfaces, ranging from sophisticated equipment to simple sensors. At the same time powerful wireless and wired infrastructures are being deployed at a rapid pace, making ubiquitous communication possible. This is a manifestation of the “Internet of Things”. It opens a lot of challenges, e.g., how to organize and manage this wealth of digital resources, but, it equally creates a lot of opportunities to exploit the combined power of all these devices. Our vision is one where a person is surrounded by a virtual “digital bubble” consisting of all his personal digital resources. This bubble follows him, wherever he goes, and, enhance the capabilities of that person in, e.g., the realm of health, entertainment, safety and security, and professional activities. This vision is what the concept of Personal Networks (PN) is aiming at. PN is a middleware that allows a person to access his/her personal devices and services, independently of their location by creating a long term VPN with hardly any intervention of the user. It extends the concept of a Personal Area Network (PAN). The latter refers to a space of small coverage (less than 10 m) around a person where ad hoc communication occurs, typically between portable and mobile computing devices such as laptops, personal digital assistants (PDA), cell phones, headsets and digital gadgets. We envision a PN to have a core consisting of a PAN, which is extended on-demand and in an ad hoc fashion with personal resources or resources belonging to others. This extension will physically be made via infrastructure-based networks, e.g., the Internet, an organization's intranet or a home network. The resources, which can become part of a PN, will be very diverse. They can be physically close or far away. Building on PNs, the concept of federations of PNs was developed to support ad hoc group cooperation between people that are PN empowered. It extends the personal services with services provided by other people’s PNs in a same federation. It allows them to share services with others without compromising security. In this presentation , we motivate and discuss the concept of a PN and federations of PNs, the problems that need to be solved to realize them, and the solutions that have been developed and prototyped in a number of large projects. In particular the architectural aspects, the self-organization, the adaptation to the dynamics and mobility of PNs, and security issues are addressed. We present perspectives and ideas on further developments of PNs, in particular to support the development of applications that exploit the opportunities created by PNs and PN federations. Finally we also present some standardization activities related to PNs and PN federations that are starting up.

abstract.1253537836.txt.gz · Dernière modification: 2009/09/21 14:57 par tigli