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Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !

LAB 2 : Web Service Eventing and Velib Project

to combine Service-Oriented Architecture and Event-Driven Architecture …

The purpose of this lab is to superpose an event driven architecture to our past service oriented approach.

As an extension of the “Velib” project, here we add some event based clients of your Proxy Web Service. A Client may be then a subscriber to a specific city/station and receive the last number of available velib in this station. This information must be of course recent and no older than a given périod T

Interesting Reference to read about SOA / EDA hybrid architectures : Entreprise Service Bus

Combining Service-Oriented Architecture and Event-Driven Architecture using an Enterprise Service Bus,Jean-Louis Maréchaux, IBM Developer Works, March 28 2006=

The Enterprise Service Bus is an architectural pattern that facilitates and simplifies business integration through transport, event and mediation services. It connects and mediates all communications and interactions between heterogeneous nodes, both in a Service-Oriented Architecture (synchronous one-to-one approach) and an Event-Driven Architecture (asynchronous many-to-many approach).

cours/ws-rest_and_ws-soap/eventing_lab2.1522910278.txt.gz · Dernière modification: 2018/04/05 08:37 par tigli