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Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !

Exam MUC 2013 2014 : Bibliographical Notes

your name :
your section :

Exemple : (Ubinet, IFI/IAM, IFI/AL, IFI/IHM, IFI/IAM/Le Caire, IFI/IAM/Tunis)

The title of your assigned paper :

Notes :

The main purpose of these notes are to provide a relevant synthesis on the content of the paper. Relevant, means with an original and adapted structure or plan in your notes. This is not a partial copy of the content of the paper without any added value in the analysis and structure of your comments. For example your notes musn't follow the same plan than the paper.

What is the main challenge and problem adressed by the paper ?
Why none of them answer to the challenge ?
What are the main features of the solution proposed by the authors ?
What is the way they use to prove their contribution (i.e. they answer to the problem with their solution) ?
What are possible extensions and future works based on their solution ?

Other example for notes on a survey (state of the art) paper : (these questions can be adressed with various orders according on the structure of the paper)

What is the main challenge and problem adressed by the family of research works presented in this paper ?
What is the classification between different families of research works ?
What are the main features of each family ?
What are the main features and criteria to classify the presented research works ?
List and main features of the cited works in the paper
What are the challenges and problems that stay to solve
cours/notes_on_a_survey_about_composition_middleware_in_pervasive_environments.1392107431.txt.gz · Dernière modification: 2014/02/11 09:30 par tigli