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Enseignements Département Informatique SI5 et Master IFI

Enseignements Département Bâtiment Polytech'Nice

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Activités administratives, Ingénierie et Innovation Pédagogiques

Apprentissage Département Informatique SI5/Master 2 ingénierie informatique EUR DS4H


Valorisation de la Recherche

Dépôts Logiciels à l’Agence de Protection des Programme (APP)

Valorisation des résultats de recherche et transfert

Diffusion de la Culture scientifique et Technologique

Communications de presse

Séminaire ENSI Tunis

Pédagogie Innovante

Relations industrielles et socio-économique

Organisation de Manifestations

  • Conférence sur les FabLabs, Alexandre Schneider, Professeur Agrégé en Génie Mécanique, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne Web
  • Journées UbiMob'14 Site Web

Animation de la Recherche




Sources d'Informations


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Jean-Yves Tigli,

Associate Professor at Nice - Sophia Antipolis University

Knowledge and Software Engineering Department

I3S Laboratory - Rainbow research group

Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis
Laboratoire I3S - Unité Mixte de Recherche (UMR 6070)
Ecole Polytechnique Universitaire – Département Informatique


Ass. Prof. Jean-Yves Tigli

I3S Laboratory, Polytech'Nice Sophia Antipolis

University of Nice Sophia Antipolis

930 , route des Colles, BP 145 06903 Sophia Antipolis cedex

email : tigli@polytech.unice.fr

PGP key 0x758B8E6B

web I3S: http://www.i3s.unice.fr/~tigli/

web Polytech: http://www.polytech.unice.fr/~tigli/

web Rainbow: http://rainbow.i3s.unice.fr/~tigli/ , http://rainbow.polytech.unice.fr/~tigli/

Personnal web : http://www.tigli.fr , http://tigli.fr

Tel : (33) +4 92 96 51 81 Fax : (33) +4 92 96 50 55

Relationships Matter : LinkedIn

Research interests

  • Ubiquitous and Ambient Computing
  • Service Oriented Architectures, Middlewares for composition and adaptation of services
  • Context-aware computing and Multi-Devices Systems
  • Service and Devices Discovery
  • Interoperability between wireless and Internet-based devices


I got my PhD in computer science from the Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, in January 1996, where I proposed a behavioral programming approach for intelligent robotic systems. During my PhD, I was working in the I3S Laboratory UMR CNRS 6070, and I collaborated with National Research Council of Canada for a Mobile Robotics project.

After my PhD, I spent a one year postdoc in both european projects called NARVAL (Navigation of Autonomous Robots via Active Environmental Perception, Esprit-LTR Project 30185) and MAUVE ( Miniaturized and reconfigurable instrumentation for multipurpose survey with a mini autonomous vehicle: Development and validation at sea, MAST III Project MAS3950036), to address software design of mission management system and software architectures of the robots.

From 1997 until the end of 1998, I have been research assistant at the Ecole des Mines de Paris, teaching at ISIA, in a two-year post-graduate programme leading to the Master’s Degree called « Ingénieur de Spécialité de l’Ecole des Mines de Paris ». My main courses was Robotics, Networks, System and Real Time System Programming and Graphical User Interfaces. During this period I continue my research with the I3S laboratory in both aforementioned european projects.

In September 1998, I joined the « Ecole Supérieure des Sciences de l'Informatique» at the Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis as associated professor in Software Engineering, Networks and System.

I head the Embedded Software Engineering specialty for the MSc in Software Engineering and the last year of the Engineering degree of Polytech, between 1998 and 2008. In 2008 I promote and head, one of the first french specialties at the MSc level in Software Engineering for Ubiquituous Computing (called IAM, for Mobile and Ubiquituous Computing).

Since september 2009, I've been in sabbatical year at INRIA Sophia Antipolis, in the research team PULSAR. I worked with Annie Ressouche, on a “ Multiple-Device and adaptive platform of Services for Scenario recognition” (lien).


  • PhD (Software Engineering), University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France, 1996
  • Software Engineering degree from the Ecole Supérieure en Sciences Informatiques (ESSI) of University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France, (MScEng level), 1991

Recent Selected Publications


[2009] J.-Y. Tigli, S. Lavirotte, G. Rey, V. Hourdin, M. Riveill, “Lightweight Service Oriented Architecture for Pervasive Computing” IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 4, No. 1, September 2009, ISSN (Online): 1694-0784, ISSN (Print): 1694-0814 paper. The acceptance rate for September 2009 issue is 29.55% split in 2 issues (IJCSI Editor received 44 papers to review)

[2009] J.-Y. Tigli, S. Lavirotte, G. Rey, V. Hourdin, M. Riveill, “Context-aware Authorization in Highly Dynamic Environments” IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 4, No. 1, September 2009, ISSN (Online): 1694-0784, ISSN (Print): 1694-0814 paper. The acceptance rate for September 2009 issue is 29.55% split in 2 issues (IJCSI Editor received 44 papers to review)

[2009] J.-Y. Tigli, S. Lavirotte, G. Rey, V. Hourdin, D. Cheung, E. Callegari, M. Riveill “WComp middleware for ubiquitous computing: Aspects and composite event-based Web services” dans la revue Annals of Telecommunications, éditeur Springer Paris, ISSN 0003-4347 (Print) 1958-9395 (Online), Vol. 64, No 3-4, March-April 2009 paper.

Other Publications and Communications

Patents and Software Registrations

  • [2007] Jean Merlin, Vincent Hourdin, Stéphane Lavirotte, Jean-Yves Tigli et Michel Riveill. « BridgeBox USB/UPnP ». Dans Dépôt APP, 2007.
  • [2007] Daniel Cheung-Foo-Wo, Jean-Yves Tigli, Stéphane Lavirotte, Michel Riveill et Eric Pascual. « AAComp: Aspect of Components Assembly Designer ». Dans Dépôt APP, 2007.
  • [2007] Nicolas Dalmasso, Stéphane Lavirotte, Jean-Yves Tigli, Bertand Copigneaux, Johan Mereaux et Michel Riveill. « Ubiquarium: Environnement Virtuel et Dynamique ». Dans Dépôt APP, juin 2007. IDDN.FR.001.230041.000.S.C.2007.000.10600.
  • [2007] Nicolas Oudit, Stéphane Lavirotte, Nicolas Dalmasso, Jean-Yves Tigli et Michel Riveill. « Ubiquarium: Scènes 3D pour l'Environnement Virtuel ». Dans Dépôt APP, juin 2007. IDDN.FR.001.230042.000.S.C.2007.000.10600.
  • [2007] Samuel Weibel, Jean-Yves Tigli, Stéphane Lavirotte, Daniel Cheung, Vincent Hourdin et Michel Riveill. « SharpWComp ». Dans Dépôt APP, février 2007. IDDN.FR.001.090016.000.S.C.2007.000.10600.
  • [2006] Vincent Hourdin, Stéphane Lavirotte, Jean-Yves Tigli et Michel Riveill. « CyrLink UPnP ». Dans Dépôt APP, septembre 2006. IDDN.FR.001.360013.000.S.C.2006.000.10600.

Recent Courses Taught

homepages_en.1292419351.txt.gz · Dernière modification: 2010/12/15 14:22 par tigli