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Enseignements Département Informatique SI5 et Master IFI

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Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !

Informatique Ambiante et Intergiciel WComp

Enseignant : Jean-Yves Tigli email : tigli@polytech.unice.fr web : http://rainbow.i3s.unice.fr/~tigli


JY Tigli is associate professor in Software Engineering, Networks and System in the Computing Department in the Engineering School, Called “Polytech” of the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis and he's also, this year, delegated by his University, as INRIA researcher in Team PULSAR to pursue research on middleware for ubiquitous computing and activity recognition. He has published lot of papers in the field of Software for Robotics, and more recently, Middleware for Ubiquitous Computing. He's in the PCs of international conferences in these fields and this year the program chairman of the 6th ACM International Mobility Conference. He is also Head of the Embedded Software Engineering specialty for the MSc in Software Engineering and the last year of the Engineering degree of Polytech, having served in this role for the past 10 years. In 2008 he promoted and headed, the first french specialty at the MSc level in Software Engineering for Ubiquituous Computing (called IAM, for “Mobile and Ubiquituous Computing”). He has been primarily responsible for a large number of research projects (Region Project “Ubiquarium”, ANR Project “ErgoDyn”, ANR Project “Continuum”, NUS collaboration project …) in the research group “Rainbow”, headed by Michel Riveill at the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis. His current research interests include software architectures, middleware (including service oriented and adaptive middleware) for multi-device systems, and aspect oriented approaches applied to reactive adaptation in middleware for mobile and ubiquitous systems. His research also conduct to various software licenses and industrial collaborations with numerous companies interested in M2M software environments. He's currently managing and leading a project called “Continuum” supported by the French national research agency (ANR) to address the challenge of service continuity in dynamic ubiquitous environments involving various French universities and international companies. Before joining University of Nice in 1998, Jean-Yves worked for 3 years on two european projects called NARVAL (Navigation of Autonomous Robots via Active Environmental Perception, Esprit-LTR Project 30185) and MAUVE ( Miniaturized and reconfigurable instrumentation for multipurpose survey with a mini autonomous vehicle: Development and validation at sea, MAST III Project MAS3950036), to address software design of mission management system and software architectures of the robots. He also taught at the Ecole des Mines de Paris, in a two-year post-graduate programme leading to the Master’s Degree called « Ingénieur de Spécialité de l’Ecole des Mines de Paris ». He holds a PhD in computer science from the Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, in January 1996, in which he proposed a behavioral programming model for intelligent robotic systems in collaboration with National Research Council of Canada.


Ubiquitous Computing, introduced by Mark Weiser in 1991, raised many challenges across computer science: in systems design and engineering, in systems modeling, and in user interface design. Initially the effective integration and interaction with the physical world sufficed to promote ubiquitous computing interest due to significantly increased real world visibility as well as real world control, towards ambient intelligence. But these first ubiquitous systems were often proofs of concept with a single static configuration with a priori known devices. Today mobility of users and an increasing heterogeneity of devices introduce a new significant challenge for Middleware for ubiquitous computing. We witness to a kind of inversion in the classical software methodology where the software applications levels are much more stable and stationary than the software infrastructure level. The operational environment is then tightly connected with the real world but is also partly unknown at design time and is always changing at runtime in uncountable manner.

Building on experience from work on service continuity for mobile workers in the French National research project CONTINUUM (continuum.unice.fr), the speaker will postulate that we are moving towards an era of emergent middleware that is middleware that emerges at run-time to match the current operational environment and application requirements. The first part of this talk will conclude with identifying a set of requirements, trends, open issues associated with middleware for ubiquitous computing in a dynamic real world.

In the second part of this talk, the speaker will present a new middleware for ubiquitous computing, called WComp, based on services for devices and three models for local composition (LCA), distributed composition (SLCA) and reactive adaptation (AA) using Aspects. Demonstrations on the platform WComp shall illustrate the various stages of this talk.


Mark Weiser préférait dès 1991 déclarait “ Silicon-based information. technology, is far from. having become part of the. environment”. Aujourd'hui c'est au tour de Gérard Berry “On a trop longtemps associé informatique avec ordinateur”. En effet “les téléphones, appareils photos et caméras vidéo, les lecteurs et instruments de musique, les contrôleurs enfouis dans les avions, les voitures ou l’électroménager sont des ordinateurs habillés autrement”. Nous vivons donc entourés de machines à information dont on imagine mal se passer. Penser l’avenir de nos sociétés nécessite de penser l’avenir de ces objets informatisés, de leur conception à leurs usages. Il en va ainsi de l’informatique ambiante où les objets les plus divers, devenu communicants, seront reliés en réseaux à très grande échelle. Les communications déborderont le classique homme vers homme ou homme vers machine pour inclure des communications directes entre capteurs, actionneurs et machines.

Parmi les applications évidentes, citons le traçage de l’ensemble des produits matériels, la détection précoce par réseaux de capteurs des accidents écologiques (cures, incendies), la gestion intégrée des bâtiments (énergie, sécurité, etc.), et la surveillance des personnes âgées peu autonomes. La place pour l’imagination semble ici infinie.

Par là même, on a trop souvent relativisé l’importance du changement de paradigme dans lequel nous sommes pris et qui motive dès lors de nouvelles méthodes d'ingénierie logicielle et des soulève des problème pour la recherche en informatique non encore résolu.

Ce cours a donc pur objectif de présenter un double état de l'art tant technologique et quelques travaux de recherche déjà bien avancés. L'état de l'art technologique regroupe les principales technologies et les meilleures pratiques d'aujourd'hui pour le développement d'application d'Informatique Ambiante. Les quelques travaux de recherche qui seront présentés et illustrés, concernent principalement le problème de l'adaptation logicielle pour l'Informatique Ambiante.

Plan du cours

Ce sémianire se déroule sur 2 journées :

Les termes abordés sont les suivants :

- Introduction générale à l'Informatique Ambiante : 1 demie-journée - Introduction sur nore Modele de programmation et notre middleawre WComp/AA : 1 demie-journée - Quelques exemples pratiques : Composition dynamique et Aspects d'assemblage : : 1 demie-journée - Discussions et travaux pratiques libres : Futurs projets ESPRIT / Polytech'Nice / Rainbow : 1 demie-journée, durant laquelle ceux qui voudraient continuer a faire des manipulations pourraient travailler sur machine pendant que les autres peuvent participer à la discussion.

Bibliographie :

  • F. Aldrich, “Smart Homes: Past, Present and Future”, in Inside the Smart Home, Springer Verlag, 2003.
  • C. Allen, W. Wallach, I. Smith, “Why Machine Ethics?”, IEEE Intelligent Systems, 21(4), pp. 12-17, 2006.
  • Diane J. Cook, Michael Youngblood, Edwin O. Heierman, III, Karthik Gopalratnam, Sira Rao, Andrey Litvin, Farhan Khawaja, “MavHome: An Agent-Based Smart Home,” percom, p. 521, First IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom'03), 2003.
  • A. Helal, J. King, H. Zabadani and Y Kaddourah, “The Gator Tech Smart House: An Assistive Environment for Successful Aging,” Book Chapter in “Advanced Intelligent Environments,” H. Hagrass, Editor, Springer Verlag. To appear 2008.
  • W. Mackay et M. Beaudouin-Lafon, “Applications Domestiques”, dans Informatique Diffuse, Rapport de l'Observation des Techniques Avancées, ARAGO 31, mai 2007
  • M. Weiser. The Computer for the Twenty-First Century. Scientific American 265, 3 (September 1991)
  • The Internet of Things: From RFID to the Next-Generation Pervasive Networked Systems (Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications) by Lu Yan (Editor), Yan Zhang (Editor), Laurence T. Yang (Editor), Huansheng Ning (Editor)
  • Technologies for the Wireless Future: Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF) by Rahim Tafazolli
  • The WSI Reference Model for the Wireless World, by Uusitalo, Mikko A.; Arbanowski, Stefan; Lipka, Michael; Mössner, Klaus; Ott, Karl-Ott; Pabst, Ralf; Pulli, Schieder, published in IST - Mobile & Wireless Communications Summit 2003; 15-18 June 2003; Aveiro; Portugal
  • ITU Internet Reports 2005: The Internet of Things 2005, 7th edition

Supports de Cours

informatique_ambiante_et_intergiciel_wcomp.1253774342.txt.gz · Dernière modification: 2009/09/24 08:39 par tigli