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Enseignements Département Informatique SI5 et Master IFI

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  • Journées UbiMob'14 Site Web

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Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !

Smart Objects and Services

Project Presentation

Name :


Group Composition :
  • Fabien Belli
  • Cyril Gorrieri
  • Suzy Paeta
  • Maurice Rambert

Scenario :

The user takes the toothbrush to brush his teeth. A timer is lunched and the red LED lights on. After three minutes the red LED lights off and the green LED lights on to point out the fact that the user can stop to brush his teeth. Then he replaces the brush in its support. The green LED lights off to indicate the action is over.

Object Shape :

Name of the contact at Reims :

Philippe Ravaux

Sketch of the Object from Reims :
Picture of the Object without instruments and electronics :
Picture of the Object with instruments and electronics outside on the same table (put some circles and arrows on the picture to show where you're going to integrate all of these) :
Picture of the finished Object (all is integrated):
Demonstration Video :

Hardware specifications :

List :

Specifications and interface of the service on the object

  • The system embedded in the object BBright is connected to UPNP protocol. When one of four toothbrushes is used, BBright emit a event brushStateChanged(),containing port number and state (empty or no) , to services subscribed to events (here it is a Bean_Server)
  • When Bean_Server receive a event, it trigger BrushEvent() who trigger brushing time
  • Then if recommended brushing time is cast, BeanServer emit changeLeD() to BBright subscribed to event SetLedState() (which turn off or on a led)
  • CSV files (format “Numero de log ;Numero de la brosse à dent;Date de brossage;Durée de brossage;”) are stored in which the machine is connected to a Bean_Server
  • Bean_DataBase is too subscribed to event EventBrush() which wait a event emited by UPNP BBRIGHT
  • The Bean_Server is connected to WebService http://users.polytech.unice.fr/~rambert/ws.php to obtain informations (brushing frequency minimal and maximal, brushing duration minimal and maximal, toothbrush change minimal and maximal)

Specifications of the interface of high added value service

  1. Monitoring user's dental hygiene
  2. Users informed about their brushing time
  3. Improve dental hygiene
  4. Storing informations about brushing time, date and number toothbrush
  5. Others services can connect à this UPNP protocol

Project Files:

. wcc of the two containers (embedded and on the remote PC) :
Beans added for the embedded container (for the service on the object) ** (DLL and Source code for each of them)
Beans added for the remote PC container (for the high added value service on the PC) ** (DLL and Source code for each of them)
Chesklist to install the embedded service on the object
  1. Get the IP adress of the phidjet in order to connect with putty (or any ssh client)
  2. Send the wcc of embedded container (linked above) in the default home directory
  3. lauch this command :
mono ...
Chesklist to install the remote service/application on the PC

Hight added value service

  1. Copy the BBright.dll into the Bean folder of SharpDevelop (usually C:\Program Files (x86)\SharpDevelop\3.0\Beans)
  2. Copy the DLL of the embedded container in the same folder.
  3. Open Sharp Develop and create a new C# container project
  4. In WComp section, choose import option
  5. Pick up the wcc for the remote PC container (linked above)
  6. Change the IP adresse and the port of the proxy, you can catch it through Device Spy.
  7. Select the option “Bind ti UpNP Device” in WComp tab.


  1. Follow the Hight added value service's steps, but you replace the IP of the proxys, by the IP that can be found in Device Spy.

Results of the relations with Reims (being factual without personal opinion)

Prospects :

Possible extensions of the object

The BBright object is focused only on the toothbrushes management. We could add two receivers for toothpaste, one for adults and the other for kids, which could evaluate the weight variation.

Possible extension of the service on the Object

If two receivers for toothpaste are added, two events related to the variation of the weight of the two toothpaste have to be added to the service.

Possible extension of the high added value Service

According to the toothpaste, we can also calculate the toothpaste change frequency.

Possible GUI for data visualization

Like in the human weight or size, we can show a graph with the recommended values and the user's one.

projets/oc/oc_2013_2014/bbright.1392845116.txt.gz · Dernière modification: 2014/02/19 22:25 par etudiant_oc_2013_2014