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Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !


A cane designed to help people with motion dofficulties to conrol anything with a simple clic…Yes they can!

Group Composition :

- Ameni Merai

- Asma Dhane

- Farouk El Kholy

Scenario :

When Bob broke his leg, he needed to buy a medical cane. He chose to buy YesUCane. Bob started by configuring the cane by entering its reference on the website that we developed. Now, he can configure the desired service for each one of the 4 buttons. Bob could choose services such as Facebook API for writing a predefined status or webservices for any connected device that he might have in his home and he choosed to configured two Services: Uber and a predefined sms that tells his mother to open the door for him as he has difficulty do it by himself. One Day, Bob wanted to take a small walk but after some kilometers, it started raining. Bob, with his condition, wasn`t able to use his phone. While standing in the street, he pressed a button on his cane to send an Uber request, and the little LED turned on orange which means that the request was in process. After many seconds, the Led turned Green as the request was sent successfully. Bob waited for a moment until the handle vibrated: someone responded to his request. He pressed the confirmation button to end the process. Arriving home, Bob pressed on the second service button to prevent his mother to open the door. The first time, the LED turned red which means that his command was not executed successfully. He restarted the process but this time the LED turned green. Bob got a vibration on the cane which a notification from his mother as confirmation that she got the message. After waiting a few moments, the door opened and bob could enter home safely.

Object Shape :

Picture of the Object without instruments and electronics :

Picture of the Object with instruments and electronics outside on the same table (put some circles and arrows on the picture to show where you're going to integrate all of these) :


4.1 : (Equipment) https://youtu.be/ylnWNYM8C0k

4.2 : (Hardware behavior) https://youtu.be/9gZ7Z2A6hno

4.3 : (DeviceSpy and UPnP) https://youtu.be/RFmAQ6zFHxE

4.4 : (Remote software) https://youtu.be/zXI8n3RzMiU

Hardware specifications :

Quotes and purchases
Name Platform French Seller link Reference id unit price TTC Quantity total price TTC
Capteur de force linéaire www.goo.gl/7qrru3 FSR0314,20 € 1 14,20 €
Smartphone Samsung Galaxy S4 mini In Sotck 1
Rasberry Pi2 B 1 GB In Stock
Batterie Externe www.goo.gl/52nxS3 17,99 €1 17,99 €
Boutton poussoirs www.goo.gl/RpvZPQKRS12430.45€6 2,7€
Bouton switch www.goo.gl/xSwhZ31010200043,48 €1 3,48 €
LED RGBGrove - Raspberry Piwww.goo.gl/vQ5rOa1040300064,68 €1 4,68 €
VibreurGrove - Raspberry Piwww.goo.gl/6L3YTk1050200033,48 €1 3,48 €
Total Price 46,53€
Used Hardware List :
Sensor and actuator
Capteur de force linéaire www.gotronic.fr/pj-492.pdf
4xBoutons poussoirswww.goo.gl/RpvZPQ
Bouton switchwww.goo.gl/WRwV9n
LED RGBwww.goo.gl/564g6r

Specifications and interface of the service on the object

The YesUCane allows users to use different services they chose via different interfaces: - A pressure sensor on the handle that allows to know if the cane is being used or not - Configurable buttons to select the service to use - A vibrator to know when a response has arrived - An RGB LED to know the status of the service

Specifications of the interface of high added value service

Note : (including a figure on the orchestration between services on objects and information systems)

The cane is connected directly to distant server so send information to a distant server where it stores all the data and uses different web services. The services that we are going to use on the YesUcane are : - APIs of applications such as Uber where the user will be able to call for a Uber drive via the button he specified on the configuration, his localisation will be detected and sent. A response to his request will be announced via vibrations on the handle. - APIs of social networks such as Facebook or twitter where the user will chose a predefined status or tweet that will be sent in case of emergency. - SMS services of the user’s phone to send a predefined message to one favorite number. - Webservices of connected objects in the user’s house.

Project Files:

. wcc of Control Point
. wcc of Our UPnP Device
Beans added in our project ** (DLL and Source code for each of them)

Results of the relations with Reims (being factual without personal opinion)

* We unfortunatly made our object ourselves.

Prospects :

Possible extensions of the object

Many sensors can be added to the Cane: Gyroscope, Accelerometer, voice notifications and control …

Possible extension of the service on the Object

The Cane can be configured with any service than has been added to the platform. It can be a highly configurable device that fits every user’s need.

Possible extension of the high added value Service

WeatherForecast API, statistics about the frequency of use, favorite locations, …

Possible GUI for data visualization

We have already made a website to the user, which allows him to configure the services that he wants to put on his cane. He can also display statistics of the use of his gadget. So as a perspective, in addition to the website, we can offer him a mobile application so the user can configure his Cane and manage his account remotely.

projets/ocs/20152016/gr2.1455913310.txt.gz · Dernière modification: 2016/02/19 21:21 par merai