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Enseignements Département Informatique SI5 et Master IFI

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Sources d'Informations


Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !

Project Presentation

Name : Connected Aquarium
Group Composition :

Scenario :

  • The user configures the aquarium via a web interface and sets the coordinates of the location that they want to simulate.
  • The aquarium fetches temperature and light data from different web-services and adjusts the local ecosystem accordingly.
  • When a user scans a fish's package RFID tag with the aquarium reader, the aquarium fetches different environmental data about the fish and informs the user about its compatibility with the local ecosystem.

Object Shape :

Name of the contact at Reims :

Stephane Perrone sperrone06@gmail.com

Sketch of the Object from Reims :

Picture of the Object :


Demonstration Videos (FR) :

Hardware specifications :

Hardware List :
Name links to datasheet or technical document Availability
Raspberry Pi http://goo.gl/82d3w9 OK
GrovePi+ Board http://www.dexterindustries.com/shop/grovepi-board/ OK
Temperature Sensor - Waterproof CookingHacks OK
Heater 100W Cooking-Hacks OK
RFID Reader SeedStudio OK
(LED + Drivers) - OK
ServoMotor - OK

Specifications and interface of the service on the object

The different pieces of data we are going to utilize in our project are:

  • Water temperature
  • Sun/Moon brightness

This data will be fetched from different web-services according to the environment the aquarium is simulating. We also implemented a service that would allow the override of these values using an UPnP Service.

Specifications of the interface of high added value service

Note : (including a figure on the orchestration between services on objects and information systems)

Project Files:

3D Model

Illustrative model file.

Panel and API (Node.js)

Source code (to be deployed on remote server): aqua-server. For our demo we have used Heroku as a hosting/deployment server. But any SailsJS compatible environment would work.

Python scripts on the embedded object

These scripts are executed either on startup or via a cron task : aqua-scripts

- The scripts under the directory `startups` are executed on every startup of the device.

- The scripts under the directory `crons` are executed on regular intervals.

The source code of the UPnP device

UPnP Aquarium This is a VisualStudio project, just open and build it to get the .exe and .DLL files.

. wcc of the container on the computer:


The picture below is a simple use-case scenario where we interact the Aquarium with a virtual UPnP enabled lamp.

Chesklist to install the embedded service on the object
  • Install mono-complete package
  • Install Python module (requests,logging)
  • Set-up the startup and repetitive tasks (inittab & cron)
  • Reboot the device
Chesklist to install the remote service/application on the PC
  • Have Node.js, PostgreSQL and SailsJS installed.
  • Open the directory.
  • Run command “npm install”
  • Run command “sails lift”
  • Check localhsot:1337

Results of the relations with Reims (being factual without personal opinion)

  • We have received the promised LED and its Driver as promised (with a bit of delay).
  • We did not receive the aquarium.

Prospects :

Possible extensions of the object

Add a number of sensors/actuators such as a light-sensor, a cooling-fan, water-changer..

Possible extension of the service o the Object
  • Local web-server.
  • Local UPnP activation/deactivation.
Possible extension of the high added value Service
  • UPnP devices authorization instead/(besides) remote activation/deactivation.
projets/ocs/20152016/gr7.1456076520.txt.gz · Dernière modification: 2016/02/21 18:42 par chammam