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Enseignements Département Informatique SI5 et Master IFI

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Sources d'Informations


MAIN INFORMATIONS about the Project


TURCHINI Marie-Catherine and BOURGEOIS Benjamin

Title of the Project : SportApp

Name of the members of the Group

  • Turchini Marie-Catherine (IAM) : turchini@polytech.unice.fr
  • Bourgeois Benjamin (IAM) : bbourgeo@polytech.unice.fr


  • HTC 8S - Windows Phone
  • Non
  • IMEI : 353760058901192

Content of the Project

The application purpose is to propose to sportsman an help and statistics about their activity and training sessions. It's made for joggers, but also for cyclists or for any person who practice a sport which involve movement.

Thus, during the physical effort, the application measures the following inputs: - The phone movements and tilts, in order to calculate the number of steps made by the user ; - Successive GPS coordinates, in order to calculate the jogger speed and, thanks to this, be able to draw his route at the end of the session.

So, thanks to this data collection, the user could, at the jogging end: - Know for how long he ran ; - Know how many steps he did ; - Know the minimal, maximal and average speed ; - Visualize a bar chart of the time spent by speed slice. He will have 3 slices : slow for the walk, average for the race, and fast for the sprint ; - Visualize his path on a Map, thanks to the GPS coordinates, and obtain the detail of the successive speeds of the jogger.



1. Launch the application

2. Click on “Start jogging!” button

3. Perfom movement during the training

4. Click on “Stop jogging.” button

5. Visualize the training session statistics and informations


At the end of the training, the sportsman can have the number of steps, the movement route and speeds results. These are calculated at each new statement, the average is adjusted thanks to that, likewise for the bar chart, that to say the time spent by speed distribution is also adjusted in real-time.

projets/plim/20142015/gr4.txt · Dernière modification: 2014/11/22 20:48 par bourgeois