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Enseignements Département Informatique SI5 et Master IFI

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Apprentissage Département Informatique SI5/Master 2 ingénierie informatique EUR DS4H


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Sources d'Informations


MAIN INFORMATIONS about the Project

The main goal of the project is to link the location of the user with its battery usage and to inform him of the out-of-battery risk.


Name of the members of the Group

PINEL Fabien, JIN Hong, WANG Yuqi

  • Phone : Windows Phone 8S by HTC
  • IMEI : 358721050414159


Title of the Project :

Battery buddy

Content of the Project

Main technical features of the application :

  • Database access and storage
  • Location data
  • Battery level data

With these information the app will be able to say to the user that usually at a given place he is loosing a certain quantity of battery and then tell him to be careful regarding the remaining level of battery.

The goal is to anticipate the low battery level with the previous scenario.

Here is how we did that :

When the user enters a place he use to visit, the application check the last battery usage for this place (an average of the last visits) and inform him if its current level is too low. For instance :

“Last time you were at work you used 25% of your battery and your current level is 22%. You should plug your phone in !”

We also record the level of battery when he leaves the place in order to put it in the database to calculate the average usage of battery in this place for the next time.

Developped SOFTWARE

  • Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015,
  • Microsoft Visual Studio Professionnal 2013
Screenshots and GUI description

Required SOFTWARE Environment

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2013 or Professionnal 2015 should both work.

* All required softwares :

How To build solution from project sources

Just build and launch the solution from Visual Studio.


Launch the app, click on “go GPS Battery” which leads you to the tracking page. And start the tracking. Some black dots will appear because yoou are in a unknown place. To specify the place where you are you can click on “go Home” or “go School” or “go Beach” (this is some examples for now). There is one color per location so you will see which color are the dots corresponding to the location you choosed. If you press “go School” you'll have an example of what could be a notification telling you to be careful about your battery level.


Unzip the .zip, open the project in Visual Studio (file/open/project/solution) and press build. Our project requires a real windows phone, it does not work properly on a simulator. The project should build and launch.

projets/plim/20152016/gr8.txt · Dernière modification: 2015/11/20 21:12 par yuqi_wang