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Enseignements Département Informatique SI5 et Master IFI

Enseignements Département Bâtiment Polytech'Nice

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Activités administratives, Ingénierie et Innovation Pédagogiques

Apprentissage Département Informatique SI5/Master 2 ingénierie informatique EUR DS4H


Valorisation de la Recherche

Dépôts Logiciels à l’Agence de Protection des Programme (APP)

Valorisation des résultats de recherche et transfert

Diffusion de la Culture scientifique et Technologique

Communications de presse

Séminaire ENSI Tunis

Pédagogie Innovante

Relations industrielles et socio-économique

Organisation de Manifestations

  • Conférence sur les FabLabs, Alexandre Schneider, Professeur Agrégé en Génie Mécanique, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne Web
  • Journées UbiMob'14 Site Web

Animation de la Recherche




Sources d'Informations


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Jean-Yves Tigli Home Page

Jean-Yves Tigli is associate professor at the University Côte d'Azur. He holds a PhD in computer science from University of Nice Sophia Antipolis in 1996. During a postdoctoral position at the Ecole des Mines de Paris and at the I3S/CNRS laboratory, he worked in the European projects MAST and NARVAL on software architecture for intelligent and autonomous robots.

He was recruited at the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis in 1998 and joined the Rainbow group in 2003. He received in 2002 a grant from Microsoft Research to develop a software platform called WComp to facilitate dynamic software composition and service self- adaptation. During more than ten years, this software platform has been used as the baseline for numerous projects in the fields of healthcare, Ambient Assisted Living, Factory 4.0.

He has been the scientific leader of various national and international research projects such as the CONTINUUM project funded by the French National Research Agency (2008-2012) on self- adaptive ambient systems to assist workers on the ground.

He is currently involved in the European project ENACT-H2020 in two work packages, working on actuation conflict management and behavioural drift in Smart IoT systems. He has a broad expertise in dynamic software composition, self-adaptation in service-oriented architectures and context-aware computing.

His current research focuses on the challenges related to software systems operating in a partially unpredictable context. With recent and encouraging results, he is currently studying a self-adaptive approach based on observation and measurement of system effectiveness.

start/en.1586372086.txt.gz · Dernière modification: 2020/04/08 20:54 par tigli