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Minutes of the meeting SUPComp 120909

Date : 120909

Who ? : Annie, Erwan, Zouhaire, Jean-Yves

SUP introduction

SUP is the new software platform of the Team Pulsar.

It's the VSIP plateform reengineered without the Genius commrecial part (even if temporarly, genius is always in the SUP platform)

To acces to SUP, first we be registered in the gforge INRIA.

SUP Fnctional Software Architecture

Data format

  • <listevent> ::= <event> | <event> <listevent>
  • event ::= <nom> <position 2D>
    • nom ::= <string>
    • <position 2D> ::= <Xa> <Ya> <Xb> <Yb>
    • <Xa> ::= <int>
    • <Ya> ::= <int>
    • <Xb> ::= <int>
    • <Yb> ::= <int>

a : en haut à gauche

b : en bas à droite

  • <listactor> ::= <actor> | <actor> <listactor>
  • actor ::= <Id> <Type> <Boundary box 3D> <Boundary box 2D> <Trajectory 3D> <CurrentPosition 3D> <Classification Properties>
    • <Id> ::= int
    • <Type> ::= <string>
    • <Boundary box 3D> ::= <L> <l> <H> <X> <Y> <Z>
    • <Boundary box 2D> ::= <Xa> <Ya> <Xb> <Yb>
    • <Trajectory 3D> ::= <Timestamp> | <Timestamp> <Trajectory 3D>
    • <CurrentPosition 3D> ::= <X> <Y> <Z>
    • <Classification Properties> ::= <property> | <property> <Classification Properties>
    • <Timestamp> ::= <date> <nom camera>
    • <property> ::= <string>

<L> : Longueur

<l> : largeur

<H> : hauteur

<X> : X milieu de la base de l'objet 3D

<Y> : Y milieu de la base de l'objet 3D

<Z> : Z milieu de la base de l'objet 3D


The use of one or several cameras can recognize a wide range of activities for equipment less expensive. Unfortunatelly these devices are sensitive. They must be fixed and they must to be well calibrated with their associated recognition algorithms.

The temptation is great to add low cost sensors in the user environment to have more robust detections.

Nevertheless, this approach drastically increases the combinatorics of possible configurations.

Also some equipment on moving objects allows to such configurations to vary over time.

For example, a simple pressure sensor on the cushions of a chair can detect the presence of a seated person. Nevertheless, this chair can move and thus change the inferred position for the seated person.

A carpet with a pressure sensor as presence detector, bought yesterday, will equally increment the user environment and the capacity of the activity recognition system.

The recognition system activity should automatically adapt to the appearance / disappearance of new sensors.

It should still be able to integrate the volley of new measures and merge them for a more robust activity recognition (with uncertainties evaluation)

supcomp_project.txt · Dernière modification: 2009/12/09 18:07 par tigli