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Ubiquituous Computing Lab : Ubiquarium

Main objectives

The Ubiquarium comprises various devices and services, which can be discovered and composed at runtime. Those devices can either be virtual devices (3D scene objects in which the user is immersed), or physical devices worn by the user or present in his immediate environment. All devices of the Ubiquarium, physical or virtual, are based on Web Services interfaces which limit ad-hoc programming. The current Ubiquarium relies on three major categories of devices:

  • Physical environment of the user: wireless devices actually present in the environment such as sensors (luminance, temperature, accelerometer …) and actuators (remote relays).
  • Worn by the user. Interaction devices: joysticks, cell phones, PDA, Wearable Computer.
  • Simulated environment: a virtual 3D Scene, virtual UPnP devices related to scene objects.

This represents an ideal framework for the evaluation of new applications for mobile and ambient computing like the usage of wearable computers. This platform is particularly well adapted to the study of the software adaptation mechanisms for context-aware mobile and biquitous computing applications.

TV Report

ubiquarium_ubiquituous_computing_lab.1248417330.txt.gz · Dernière modification: 2009/07/24 08:35 par tigli