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Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !

WComp (Software Platform for Ubiquituous Computing)

Main objectives

The paradigm, which allows the management of the orchestration of those web-services for devices, is particularly relevant when it is based on an assembly of components, namely associated with a dynamic composition language. According to contexts and available devices, different aspects of the application can be selected, applied and then woven to adapt the application. WComp is a prototyping environment for context-aware applications.

The WComp Architecture is organised around what we call Containers and Designers :

  • The purpose of the Containers is to take into account system services required by Components of an assembly during runtime: instantiation, destruction of software Components and Connectors.
  • The purpose of the Designers allow configuring assemblies of through Containers.
  1. A graphical designer such as Bean4WComp enables to compose manually assembly of Components according to a graphical representation of the event flow for instance.It is particularly adapted to the description of the application.
  2. A designer based on Aspects of Assembly (called ISL4WComp ) allows describing interaction patterns thanks to an evolution of ISL (Interaction Specification Language).Interaction patterns are then selectable, applicable and woven and allow adapting dynamically the application to its

TV Report

wcomp_software_platform_for_ubiquituous_computing.1248417708.txt.gz · Dernière modification: 2009/07/24 08:41 par tigli