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Enseignements Département Informatique SI5 et Master IFI

Enseignements Département Bâtiment Polytech'Nice

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Activités administratives, Ingénierie et Innovation Pédagogiques

Apprentissage Département Informatique SI5/Master 2 ingénierie informatique EUR DS4H


Valorisation de la Recherche

Dépôts Logiciels à l’Agence de Protection des Programme (APP)

Valorisation des résultats de recherche et transfert

Diffusion de la Culture scientifique et Technologique

Communications de presse

Séminaire ENSI Tunis

Pédagogie Innovante

Relations industrielles et socio-économique

Organisation de Manifestations

  • Conférence sur les FabLabs, Alexandre Schneider, Professeur Agrégé en Génie Mécanique, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne Web
  • Journées UbiMob'14 Site Web

Animation de la Recherche




Sources d'Informations


Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !

Research Seminars : Ambient Intelligence ... From IoT to CPS


  • Session 1 : Introduction à l'Intelligence Ambiante : challenges technologiques et scientifiques
  • Session 2 : Challenge 1 : Interopérabilité Technologique des objets connectés à l'IoT (Internet of Things)
  • Un exemple de protocole : MQTT
  • Session 3 : Challenge 1 : Interopérabilité Technologique des Objets Connectés : le WoT (Web of Things) et les WSD (Web services pour dispositifs)
  • Des exemples de protocoles : COAP, WS-REST, WS-SOAP, UPnP, DPWS …
  • Session 4 : Challenge 2 : Adaptation Dynamique et Composition Logicielle Opportuniste de Services
  • Session 5 : Challenge 3 : Interopérabilité Sémantique des Objets Connectés
Mardi Mercredi Jeudi
8h30-10h00 Intelligence Ambiante Intelligence Ambiante Intelligence Ambiante
Jean-Yves Tigli Jean-Yves Tigli Jean-Yves Tigli
Salle 14 Salle 14 Salle 14
10h15-11h45 Intelligence Ambiante Intelligence Ambiante Intelligence Ambiante
Jean-Yves Tigli Jean-Yves Tigli Jean-Yves Tigli
Salle 14 Salle 14 Salle 14
13h00-14h30 Intelligence Ambiante Séminaire Intelligence Ambiante
Jean-Yves Tigli Jean-Yves Tigli Jean-Yves Tigli
Salle 14 Salle 14
14h45-16h15 Jean-Yves Tigli Jean-Yves Tigli Jean-Yves Tigli (EXAM)
Salle 14 Salle 14 Salle 14

Research Talk



IAm Lab

Middleware for IoT : MQTT Lab

MQTT API and languages

Todo JY

MQTT Brokers

Todo JY

Arduino MQTT Publishers and Subscribers

Todo JY

OpenHab MQTT Broker

OpenHab distribution and installation manual for PC
List of connected Devices for MQTT on OpenHab

This particular setup of OpenHAB supports several ZWave devices:

  • Fibaro button
  • Smart plug
  • Temperature/Light/Door sensor
  • Temperature/Motion sensor

And EnOcean devices:

  • Switches
  • Smart plug

But thanks to OpenHAB, many devices can be supported with little to no pain.

Sample code and tests

After installing Mosquitto, OpenHAB and the bindings, you can test the setup with a few simple commands. (maybe add a defined item to test)

Note that if the server is running on localhost:1883 parameters -h and -p can be omitted.

  • To subscribe to state updates for a certain item:

mosquitto_sub -t openhab/{item}/state [-h {host} -p {port}]

  • To subscribe to state updates for a certain item, with server generated timestamps:

mosquitto_sub -t openhab/{item} [-h {host} -p {port}]

  • To publish commands to an item:

mosquitto_pub -t openhab/{item}/commandssub [-h {host} -p {port}] [-l | -m [ON | OFF]]

(-l reads messages from the console window, -m sends the message immediately)

Sample MQTT bean code

Todo JY

Rasbperry MQTT broker with Jeedom MQTT Broker

stéph ?

Middleware for IoT : Web of Things

Installation and Description of HDSN Kit

The HDSN kit is a commercial system designed to collect data from an environment using an array of sensors connected to a base.
Among the sensors available are temperature sensors, energy sensors, air quality sensors or wind speed sensors.
This kit uploads data to the manufacturer's cloud-based system every 20 minutes, and that can data can be retrieved using the supplied API.

Installing the system
  • Plug the base unit into the mains and an RJ45 port connected to the internet
  • Open the web portal and register an account with the platform using the SN and security code found on the sticker on the base unit
  • After a minute the base unit should synchronize and its sensors will be available in web portal's dashboard
Installing sensor modules
  • Open the web portal to the module configuration page
  • Click “Add a sensor”
  • Input the module number and security number, both can be found on the sticker on the unit
  • After waiting for about a minute, turn on the module by pulling the plastic tab on its backside, as close to the base unit as possible
  • The module should start reporting data
(Optional) Setting up the dashboard
  • Open the web portal to the parameter page
  • For each sensor, input a name and check the configuration (units, modes)

Documentation on HDSN Web site for data access

Accessing the data programmatically can be done using the manufacturer-supplied REST API.
Online API reference

Documentation and sample codes on HDSN Web services access to Data

Example REST requests in Postman format to get data from a sensor using the API: hdsn_postman.zip

  • In Postman, click Import at the top left
  • Drop both the environment and collection files into the window, click import
  • Open the HDSN collection from the left column, then open the first request
  • Select the HDSN environment in the top right drop down
  • Select the “pre-request script” tab and replace the values with your identification data: APIUsername and APIPassword are for your HDSN developer account, and username and password are for your HDSN dashboard account.
  • Then use the blue “Send” button to send the request.
  • Sending the requests in order will complete a full path from developer authentication to retrieving value for a sensor.

Semantic Web of Things

Lecture SWoT

Tutorial SWoT


Protégé : Ontology Design

Wikipedia Protégé

Site Officiel Protégé

Installation de Protégé

Configuration d'Installation : Pellet Reasoner Plugin

Tutorials Network Infrastructure

Linksys Broadband Router

cours/ensitunis/accueil.1483955839.txt.gz · Dernière modification: 2017/01/09 10:57 par tigli