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Enseignements Département Informatique SI5 et Master IFI

Enseignements Département Bâtiment Polytech'Nice

Autres Formations française et étrangère

Activités administratives, Ingénierie et Innovation Pédagogiques

Apprentissage Département Informatique SI5/Master 2 ingénierie informatique EUR DS4H


Valorisation de la Recherche

Dépôts Logiciels à l’Agence de Protection des Programme (APP)

Valorisation des résultats de recherche et transfert

Diffusion de la Culture scientifique et Technologique

Communications de presse

Séminaire ENSI Tunis

Pédagogie Innovante

Relations industrielles et socio-économique

Organisation de Manifestations

  • Conférence sur les FabLabs, Alexandre Schneider, Professeur Agrégé en Génie Mécanique, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne Web
  • Journées UbiMob'14 Site Web

Animation de la Recherche




Sources d'Informations


Project Presentation

Name :

The connected 'manchon'

Group Composition :

Franck Dechavanne (SI5,IAM)

Nabil El Moussaid (SI5,IAM)

Nicolas Forget (SI5,IHM)

Etienne Strobbe (SI5,IAM)

Scenario :

Mister A. just ran at least 500 meters and feels dirty. He wants to take a shower. He enters the shower, slam dunks the shower body. Water starts flowing as if by magic.

After his well earned shower, he wants to see how much water he consumed over the last week. He interacts with the smart shower system and the display shows the relevant data : water consumption, mean water temperature, mean time spent in shower etc.

Object Shape :

Sketch of the Object:

Picture of the Object without instruments and electronics :

No objet received.

Picture of the Object with instruments and electronics outside on the same table (put some circles and arrows on the picture to show where you're going to integrate all of these) :

Picture of the finished Object (all is integrated):

Because we did not received any box to integrate our component in it, there is no picture available.

Demonstration Video :

Hardware specifications :

Electronic Hardware List :
quotes and purchases
titleseller linkfrench reseller linkfrench reseller reference idunit price TTCQuantitytotal price TTC
DS18B20 waterproof temperature sensor http://goo.gl/4CJyJz34030 8,25€ 1 8,25€
Phidgets 1104 vibration sensor http://goo.gl/6zYYNJ 25469 11.95€ 1 11,95€
Water flow sensor http://goo.gl/AtJuxn http://goo.gl/FYgzNS 3132010,90€110,90€
Electrovanne http://goo.gl/CGVRrz 583155 - 6220,95€120,95€
LCD Display http://goo.gl/1iL1Kg http://goo.gl/Eho1Az 03398 15,90 € 1 15,90 €
SSR Relay Board http://goo.gl/sEkKrJ http://goo.gl/y4iV1a 25496 16,50€ 1 16,50€
Total Price 84,45€

LEDs are a cheaper alternative to the LCD

Plumbing Hardware List
Item links to datasheet or technical document
raccords alimentation eau (à définir)http://goo.gl/dDg0OV
robinet mélangeurhttp://goo.gl/xVft6F
flexible + pommeau de douchehttp://goo.gl/QpBOjT

Specifications and interface of the service on the object

We distinguish two types of services : exposed services that allows to perform actions on the object and exposed services to gather data on the usage of the object.

The services have been exposed through UPnP thanks to the PyUPnP library (https://github.com/fuzeman/PyUPnP)

Here's a list of the services we expose :

  • Water flow service :
  GetFlowRate : Returns the water flow rate in liters/min
  • Temperature service :
  GetTemperature : Returns the temperature in celsius
  • LCD service :
  SetBackgroundColor: Set the background color of the lcd
  SetText : Display information on the lcd 
  SetTextLine1 : Display information on the first row only
  SetTextLine2 : Display information on the second row only
  • TouchService
  GetTouch : Returns a number corresponding to the button that has been pressed
  • ActuatorService
  OpenWater : Open or close the valve

Link to shared drive with Lycée des Eucalyptus : https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/0B69RH-TLSlXFZlh6d2pybHBGb1E

Specifications of the interface of high added value service

Implemented high value services :

- Closing the valve if the temperature goes above a certain threshold

- Closing the valve after a certain amount of time

- Sending emails if someone is spending too much time (meaning there could be a problem)

- Export of a csv file containing : date of the shower, time spent, water consumption and total price

A couple scenarios:

We can imagine using a web service that provides water prices to compute how much money is spent for a shower. Using this service, we could connect to a budget management service of the user to add money spent on showers.

Just for the sake of using the calendar service, we could after each shower, connect to the user calendar and store the shower as an event or monitor the time while in the shower to display the amount of time left based on the distance to the user workplace from google maps.

Figure on the orchestration between services on objects and information systems:

Project Files:

All files are in the zip archive, please read the README.txt


Results of the relations with Reims (being factual without personal opinion)

Prospects :

Possible extensions of the object

An actuator to control the water flow.

An or multiple actuators to control the temperature.

Possible extension of the service on the Object

Put the timer as a service on the object instead as higher level service.

Possible extension of the high added value Service

Google calendar services : we could after each shower, connect to the user calendar and store the shower as an event. At the beginning of the shower, we could connect to the calendar, check the next event and display or send a notification if there's not much time left.

Google Maps services : We could monitor the time spent while in the shower to display the amount of time left based on the distance to the user workplace from google maps.

Connection to other connected objects of the house

Possible GUI for data visualization

Web app to visualize all sorts of graph : temperature, time spent, water consumption etc.

projets/ocs/20152016/gr5.txt · Dernière modification: 2016/02/16 19:38 par strobbe